Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Smiles for Wednesday :)

Finally, it's Wednesday! Yay! We are halfway through the week and it feels awesome:)

This morning I went the power center and rode the bike for about a half hour. It is absolutely gorgeous inside. Everything is top of the line and equipped with TV's I watched Saved by the Bell and enjoyed laughing at adorable Zach Morris. It was a great way to start off my morning. On my way back to St. Ann's I ran into Starbucks to grab a caramel macchiato. I was officially awake by 8:15 after the bike ride and a few sips of coffee.

My first class started with a quick philosophical lesson on Meno, continued with a well thought out discussion on the Christian faith in Theology and finished with a short math class focused on word problems. After class ended, I went to the bookstore to exchange a book, waited in line for twenty minutes, and realized that I forgot my receipt back in the dorm! I started up a conversation with the guy in front of me. He mistakenly thought I was senior which totally blew my mind! :)

Afterwards, I went to the pool with meg and found out it was closed due to chemical problems. Then I decided to meet my friend Lauren for dinner at Options. It was pretty good!

All in all, today was long but pretty sweet. Can't wait for the weekend! Nice job Phils!


It seems like every day gets longer and longer. I had a night class from 6:00 to 8:40. Then after the night class I hit the books at the library. I got my pre-class assignments done for my research class tomorrow, and I got some of my Bio done too. It always feels good when you accomplish something. I learned a valuable lesson today. Time is very important and it will fly by if you don't use it wisely. I didn't get to swim today due to chemical problems at the pool. I hope they are fix tomorrow. But the time I didn't spend in the pool today, I spent in my room studying. Wednesday is my longest day of the week.

From 12:20 to 2:50 I had a Bio Lab, we watched the heart beat of a Daphnia (water fleas). It was pretty cool. The first water flea I picked was like almost about to die. That water flea's heart rate was 18 beats per minute, which is extremely slow. The second one I picked was a fast little booger. His heart rate was so fast we couldn't even count it. Finally he (the flea) calmed down and we recorded his heart rate at 164 beats per minute.

Tomorrow I'm done at 1:05. Maybe tomorrow I can grab some dinner unlike tonight. Instead I went to Starbucks after my night class, and got a little treat. Ha.

I got my first thing in the mail today. My weight watch scale! I'm so happy with it! I can't gain that freshmen 10 or 20 or whatever it is. So far I'm good!

If you have read all my blogs this week...Thank you and I appreciate it!
'Til next time! Bye!


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