Sunday, September 13, 2009

Open Water Swim and Cook-out

The teams took to the water today for our sixth annual open water swim and team cook-out. The swim was once again at Lake Arthur in Moraine State Park. Not only does this open water swim serve as the official start of our season, but it gives the team a great opportunity to get away from campus for a few hours to take in the beauty of the park, enjoy some nice open water swimming and have a great cook-out as a team at Coach Bocci's ranch located just outside of Butler.

The day started with Coach Bocci and me heading out to the lake to chart out the course and take in a little fishing with our sons, David and Ben. The water temperature was perfect and the area was slightly foggy but began to clear as the teams pulled up in the vans. Once getting changed and given a few instructions from me, the swimmers took to the water in a highly contested event. Sophomore Roman Becicka, who was forced to start from the back, once again took first place for the men's team and sophomore Amanda McClelland took home top honors for the women. After our last two sprinters exited the water, we headed over to Coach Bocci's for the team cook-out.

The weather was perfect and the swimmers were able to take in a few games of volleyball while Coach Bocci and I cooked the burgers and dogs. All-in-all it was great day and a perfect way to get the season rolling. I am sure some of the alumni have some great memories from our open-water swims or cook-outs. Mine was the capture the flag tournament we held back in 2004. Hopefully some of the alumni will share theirs.

See you around the pool,

Friday, September 4, 2009

Alumni Meet

Alumni, Friends and Family of Duquesne Swimming,

Has it been that long?!!?! We are in the process of putting together plans for an Alumni Swim Meet Homecoming Weekend. The meet will take place on Friday, October 2 in the evening around 6 PM. We wanted to make it as late as possible so many of the out-of-towners can make it. No worries though, the meet will only consist of 25's, 50's and possibly some 100's. Following the meet, we would like to have a get-together at the Red Ring. This will be a great opportunity to catch-up with some long-lost teammates, relive some old memories and make some new ones. If you are interested, shoot me an email so we can begin our list. Katie McHugh will also be sending out some information.

See you around the pool,

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A new season begins!!

Today was our first official day of weights and water work. The strength coach gave a lot of praise to the team regarding their intensity in the weight room this morning. Following morning weights the student-atheltes attended classes until our PM swimming sessions. The afternoon was pretty easy, getting the fundraiser stuff together and spending some time on freestyle drills. The team begins the dry land phase tomorrow..........looking forward to it!

See you around the pool,