(L-R Front Row: Kristi Magee, Lauren Leon, Ben Sheets, Erin Cawley, Megan Hayles, Briana Mangis, Miriam McGeath, Hillary Hocson. Back Row: Morgan Claycomb, Hannah Kondrotas, Kirstie Shumaker, Tara VanNatta, Heather Cloud)
This past Saturday many of the women swimmers as well as my son and I participated in Duquesne University's annual Spring Clean-up. We worked from 9 AM-12 PM in the local community. The team had the task of picking weeds, trimming grass and spreading mulch at a park that was made on a property after an old house was torn down. The park was located on the corner of Forbes Ave. and the Birmingham Bridge. Although the day was not perfect, everyone was in great spirits and made the most of the poor weather. My son had a blast picking weeds, pushing around the wheel barrel and digging up worms with Bri Mangis. Everyone worked very hard and helped to make that little corner of Pittsburgh better for the Uptown District. Great job ladies!
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